Infrared: every season your best friend!
As you probably, know infrared light is healthy. If you didn't, we would like to refer you toone of our previous blogs where we discuss this topic .
That's because today we are focusing on something else: how infrared can prepare your body for both summer and winter. Curious? Then dive into this topic with us!
What exactly is infrared light?
To avoid any confusion, we start by explaining exactly what infrared radiation is. After all, there is still a lot of confusion about that. Some people think that all types of radiation are carcinogenic or unhealthy.
Fortunately, this is not true. Because let's not forget that visible light is also a form of (electromagnetic) radiation. This type of radiation is anything but harmful to your health, unless you are a vampire of course.
There are other forms of radiation that are not harmful or even healthy. Infrared light is an example of the last; it generates heat that makes a lot of processes in your body function better and allows you to enjoy many health benefits, such as: better skin, good sleep, faster muscle recovery, detoxification, regulated blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart failure.
Infrared: the pre-conditioning for a real 'summer body'!
When you say summer, you say heat and sunshine. And whether you believe in global warming or not, summer temperatures rise (almost) every year.
That means your maximum heat tolerance can be reached quickly, leaving you with a dull and tired feeling.
However, that doesn't mean we'll all be having a summer sleep soon. There are ways to increase your heat tolerance. Some of them, such as drinking enough water, you probably already know.
But have you ever considered infrared light? By regularly using infrared therapy (in the form of an infrared sauna blanket or infrared lamp, for example) you can prepare your body during the colder months for the hotter temperatures in the summer. This way you will maintain a high energy level and perform better in sports.
Infrared protects your skin against high UV indexes
In addition to preparing your body for heat, infrared also helps your skin to adapt and prepare for the high UV indexes (a measure used to determine the UV strength of a sun ray) reached in summer.
This is because, when you are exposed to light forms of radiation, a biochemical process called "photoprotection" occurs in your body. This causes a lot of adaptations to take place, such as a thickening of your skin protecting you against UV-rays in the future.
Because people used to be outside much more often in the past, this process happened naturally as summer came. However, nowadays we are all very busy. On top of that, the weather and therefore radiation levels are very volatile in our regions.
But no worries, thanks to infrared therapy you can achieve the same effect! Research shows that regular use of infrared radiation gives you a natural protection similar to an SPF-15 sunscreen. Moreover, infrared radiation is said to help your skin recover after being sunburned.
In summary, infrared therapy in the form of a sauna blanket or infrared lamp, for example, prepares your body for warmer temperatures and high UV indices. In other words: thanks to infrared therapy, you get a real "summer body”.
Does a summer body mean toned muscles for you? No problem, even then an infrared sauna (blanket) or infrared lamp can help you; thanks to infrared, the blood circulation in your muscles is stimulated so that muscle recovery happens faster and better!
Infrared therapy in winter: a boost for your immune system and well-being
Infrared therapy also has many benefits during winter and cold periods. But which ones exactly? Well first of all, infrared light warms your body. That is also why infrared heating systems exist.
In addition, infrared also boosts your immune system. Because by heating your body, it creates an environment in which viruses have less chance of surviving and white blood cells and antibodies are produced faster. That's why viral infections often come with a fever: by raising your body temperature, you can more effectively fight the virus causing your illness.